One of my articles should (finally) see the light of day sometime this month, and there is still one podcast due to come out in September, too. Kintsugi classes have been going well, as usual. I will do a book review or two for one publication as well just because I can. I will have more to say on all those projects when I have links to share.

One of my bigger projects is (also finally) getting some movement next month. There was a serious setback beyond my control earlier this year, yet it was not enough to derail anything. Right now, I am actively working on two related projects that are both significant and amazing, but I can’t say anything about it now. It’s in the early stages and it’s very exciting. I will say more when I can. There is also another project that I may or may not do, but I haven’t closed the deal on it yet. I am pondering it, nonetheless. There is one more thing, and while it would be cool to do, I am not sure of it one way or another. At this stage, it is not up to me. If it happens, I will post it here, but that’s not written in stone, more like pencil with a handy eraser nearby. I am just further along on this long shot lark than I anticipated, and I wasn’t even aware I was even that far until I was informed by someone else. I am not holding my breath, but it’s still great that I got as far as I did so far.

On a personal note, I am refurbishing a lot of my furniture lately and looking after myself. I am also getting rid of clutter, and reworking a lot of things that I couldn’t when I was writing all those books.

Still, there is a lot of waiting. I am patient, of course. I can play the long game better than anybody. Still, September is almost full and October is filling up fast. I have planted many seeds and that garden is starting to grow. 2025 will be a watershed year for me, and while there may be glitch or two to contend with, it is all going right on time and right on schedule.

And while I am still going to tweak this website and do away with this blog, I still need to add a few entries in the meantime; so that means that while this may be up for another month, I won’t be announcing all my projects like this, but there will be updates in the pages instead without any commentary from me.